Apples-to-Apples: Gaza Cost-Benefit Analysis Coming Closer to Reality …

Galant: IDF Preparing to Reoccupy Gaza


OC Southern Command Maj.-Gen. Yoav Galant said Friday that the IDF was preparing to reoccupy the Gaza Strip if the Hamas-led Palestinian government did not halt rocket fire from the area.

“We’re talking about more aggressive military activity,” Galant said in an interview to Ma’ariv. “If the price we have to pay becomes unreasonable as a result of increased [Palestinian] attacks, then we shall have to take all steps, including occupying the Gaza Strip,” he continued.

He said that the move could be a full occupation or a partial occupation one and claimed that his plans had been approved by senior officials, including Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz.


When and if the situation on the ground via attacks on Israel’s population centers compells an Israeli reoccupation of Gaza, the action will set off an apples-to-apples cost-benefit analysis. This analysis will ascertain the cost to Israel in number of soldiers, in casualties of reoccupation and holding the area vs Secular Israel’s bogus, convoluted conclusion that Jews should be expelled and Jewish land be abandoned. It will become plain to all which was a better solution; Ousting the Jews, allowing 8 plus months to go by enabling Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbullah, al-Qaida terrorism to become contiguous and embedded in the entirety of Gaza or whether the former Jewish communities of Gaza obstructed and prevented this contiguity of terror thereby minimizing losses of Jewish lives, property and assets both in Gaza and in the communities which surround it.
