And What About Arabs Who Kill Our Soldiers Not on the Field of Battle?

Livni: Arabs Who Kill Soldiers Are Not Terrorists

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Kadima Party official and acting Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni told ABC’s Nightline program that Arab attacks on soldiers should not be considered terrorist attacks and could be seen as “more legitimate” than attacks on civilians.

Her statements have garnered much press and she reiterated them in an interview with Israel Radio on Tuesday.

Livni defended the statements by saying that she had worked for years to convince the international community that Arab terrorists were not “freedom fighters.”


Livni’s statement on Nightline is lame. It includes no clarification or distinction betwen soldiers killed in direct combat and soldiers brutally and cowardly murdered in their encampments and while sleeping, at hitching (tremping stops), in Islamikazi suicide bus bombings and in their cars on civilian highways. MB
