Wednesday War News: 2 Mortar Shells Fired From Gaza, Arab Importer Nabbed for Contact with Gaza Terrorists; Stoning of Jewish Vehicles Near Shechem, Hevron, Arabs Toss Molotovs Near Beit Lehem, IDF Nabs 5 Terrorists

Terrorist[s] Fire Two Mortar Shells at Israel [Landing Near Karni Crossing]

[Hevron Arab] Importer Jailed for Contact with Gaza Terrorists

Arabs Throw Rocks at Cars Near Shechem

Two Israelis Lightly Wounded in Hebron Stoning

Arabs Throw Molotov Cocktails Near Beit Lehem

IDF Arrests Five Terror Suspects in Yesha [Near Jenin, Ramallah, and Hevron]strong>
