
Could there be a connection between Israel’s weak, lame or non-existent responses to continued Gaza rocket fire and the combined arsenal of nearly 50,000 rockets possessed by Hamas and Hezbollah and Israel’s lack of an anti-rocket defense system? Could it be that this immense arsenal is mainly the result of smuggled materials which enter Gaza and southern Lebanon right under the noses of UN and/or Egyptian forces due to Israel’s abrogation of her national sovereignty, her right to win a war and to eradicate terror as well as abrogation of her defense and security to third parties — often hostile nations? Will the US, Canada and seven European states’ agreement, soo lauded by Israel’s government, to coordinate efforts to stop the flow of weapons into Gaza make any difference?
The answers to these 3 questions are most probably; YES, YES and NO!! On the question of coordination of efforts to stop the flow of weapons into Gaza, Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA shows one reason simply and succinctly, with a direct quote, as to why the answer is NO! MB
Three [Possibly 4] Rockets on the Sabbath [At Least 1 Lands Inside Gaza]
2 Kassams Land in Sha’ar Hanegev Region [Friday Night]; No Casualties or Damage
Terrorist Arsenal of 50,000 Rockets Aimed at Israel, by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu (Israel National News)
Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists have amassed an arsenal of 50,000 rockets aimed at Israel, United Press International (UPI) has reported. Israel still has no defense against the threat, and the government’s highly touted Iron Dome short-range missile defense system is far from being in operation and may not even be practical.
Arabs Arrested Near Beit El with Pistol and Knife
Arab Caught with Knife Near Holy Site [Maarat HaMachpelah in Hevron]