
Shas party leader Eli Yishai claims that his endorsement of Netanyahu for prime minister is a statement that “a strong Shas will protect the weak socioeconomic groups in Israeli society.” Yishai notes that “Shas will prevent Likud from hurting them again.”
The point here is that this is ALL about money, and the restoration of all of the benefits which Bibi lopped-off in his monetary reform measures as Treasury minister under Sharon. The point is NOT about saying no to a PA (sic) state, dividing Jerusalem, NOT about saying no to expelling hundreds of thousands of Jews from Jewish land, NOT about fighting a war to WIN, be it in Gaza, Lebanon, etc., and not about saying NO to handing the Golan to Syria. History has shown clearly that Shas puts up no threat whatsoever to either Bibi or Livni regarding dividing Jerusalem or handing Jewish land to Arabs.
Particularly instructive as to Shas’ position regarding the Land of Israel is this citing from the report below:
Shas will also emphasize security issues, particularly maintaining Jerusalem’s united status.
In response to a question from The Jerusalem Post on Shas’s stand regarding the creation of a Palestinian state, Yishai answered, “There is no one to speak to on the Palestinian side.
“When there is someone to speak with, then we will talk. But in the meantime, we cannot abandon the security of Israeli citizens.
The point here is about money, only about money which is all that Yishai and his Shastitutes really care about, Eretz Kedusha notwithstanding. MB
Shas to Endorse Netanyahu as PM, by Matthew Wagner, Gil Hoffman (Jerusalem Post)
Shas chairman Eli Yishai announced Monday that Shas would endorse Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu, not Kadima leader Tzipi Livni, as the nation’s next Prime Minister.
“We will recommend to President [Shimon] Peres that Netanyahu be the one to put together the next government,” said Yishai during a press conference in Tel Aviv to unveil Shas’s new TV campaign.
“I see a broad coalition, a national unity government, with [Ehud] Barak as defense minister and with a strong social activist leaning and Jewish values thanks to Shas. Shas will be the mezuza of the government.
“A strong Shas means a Likud that is more sensitive to social issues, a strong Shas means a Likud that is embodied with Jewish values and tradition, a strong Shas will protect the weak socioeconomic groups in Israeli society.
“Bibi has reached the conclusion after the Sharon-Shinui -Labor coalition that it dealt too harsh of a blow to the weak strata in Israeli society. Shas will prevent Likud from hurting them again.”
Shas spokesman Roi Lachmanovitch denied that Shas and Likud had reached an agreement ahead of elections.
Asked whether Shas would be willing to sit in a government headed by Livni, Yishai insisted that Netanyahu, not Livni, would be the one who would form the next coalition.
“In the last government we did not join a coalition headed by Tzipi Livni because she wanted to split Jerusalem and because she refused to agree to our demand for aid for the weak strata in Israeli society.”
Yishai’s declaration of support for Netanyahu might be based on recent opinion surveys that show Likud leading Kadima by at least four Knesset seats. In some surveys, Likud’s advantage is more than twice that amount.
The message sent out by Yishai comes just one day after Livni, during a conference on education at Tel Aviv University, vowed that Shas would not receive the education portfolio. She also reiterated her claim that Shas attempted to “extort” Kadima in negotiations to form a coalition after Livni was chosen to replace Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as Kadima head.
Livni failed to form a coalition and was forced to call for early elections after Kadima failed to reach an agreement with Shas to increase child allotments, which have been cut gradually starting in 2003.
Also in the campaign, a heavy emphasis is put on socioeconomic issues.
“Even during a period of economic slowdown, Kadima still wants to hurt the poor. Calls to cut the budget will only strengthen as a result of the expenses of the war in Gaza. Shas is the only real social activist party on the map that will protect the rights of the poor.”
Ilan Cohen, an Israel Electric Company (IEC) employee who heads Shas’s secular forum, said that many members of large labor unions in companies such as IEC, Bezeq, Mekorot and among firefighters support Shas for socioeconomic reasons.
“No other party stands up for workers’ rights like Shas,” said Cohen who defined himself as “totally secular”. He said that there were “hundreds” like him.
Shas will also emphasize security issues, particularly maintaining Jerusalem’s united status.
In response to a question from The Jerusalem Post on Shas’s stand regarding the creation of a Palestinian state, Yishai answered, “There is no one to speak to on the Palestinian side.
“When there is someone to speak with, then we will talk. But in the meantime, we cannot abandon the security of Israeli citizens.
Commenting on Shas’s desire to receive the education portfolio, Yishai said, “It is clear to me today, as a result of the campaign launched against us that implied Shas would endanger the Education Ministry, that Likud will not give up the education portfolio.
“But we will demand deputy ministers and we will demand that Shas have a say in what goes on there, and that we will talk about Jewish values, Jewish tradition, respect for parents. Throughout the years, all the political parties received the education portfolio – Likud, Labor, Meretz and NRP – and each case was a total failure.
“The level of studies has gradually fallen and there has been a rise in drugs, crime and violence. Shas will make sure that in the coalition agreement, there will Jewish values and tradition in all schools in Israel – everyone will receive Jewish education and Jewish values.”
Following Yishai’s announcement, Kadima leader Tzipi Livni said that Likud and Shas were a “package deal.”
“There was a deal between Bibi and Shas even before the elections were declared and it’s clear that it still stands today,” said Livni in a speech to 350 students at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya.