Rocket Lands between Ashkelon and Ashdod

[Hamas’ Cellphone Warfare] Hamas Sends Text Messages to Israeli Cell Phones, by Ali Waked (Ynet)
‘IAF Aircraft Assassinates Senior Hamas Leader in Gaza’
IAF Steps Up Gaza Strip Air Strikes [Killing Nine People, Including Senior Hamas Leader], by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)
Nizar Rayyan Considered Successor of Ahmed Yassin [ IAF Dropped Bomb on the Eight-Story Jabalya Apartment Building he Lived in], by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)
2 Grad-Type Rockets Strike Ashdod; No Wounded Reported
Latest [Grad-model Katyusha] Rockets Manufactured in China [Smuggled into Gaza After Sinai Border Wall Blown Up by Hamas in January], by Yaakov Katz (Jerusalem Post)
Cities in Central Region Prepare for Rocket Attacks, by Avraham Zuroff (Israel National News)
Classes Canceled in Gadera, Yavne and All Towns Within 40 km. of Strip
Palestinians Fire Three Rockets at Ashdod and Ashkelon
Two More Kassam Rockets Hit Eshkol Region; None Wounded
Hamas Fires Grad Rocket at Beersheba; No Casualties
Olmert, Barak and Livni Say Politics isn’t Influencing Gaza Operation [Tell Me Another One!! MB], by Gil Hoffman (Jerusalem Post)
Gaza Operation Boosts Labor, Barak in Latest Poll, by Yehudah Lev Kay (Israel National News)
Second Grad Hits Beersheba Area; None Wounded
Palestinians Fire Three Kassam Rockets at Eshkol Area; No Wounded
Two Kassam Rockets Fired into Israel; Several Buildings Damaged
Three Grad Rockets Fired at Beersheba, Two Kassams Launched at Netivot