Merkel’s Knesset Speech: Olmert Regime Goes Along With Farce


Near the end of Caroline Glick’s article below, she suggests three things that Israel do to express a power game; Use of her economic leverage by virtue of technological prowess, impressing on the Germans and the other Europeans that Israel possesses considerable military power (despite the Lebanon fiasco of two years ago) and will use it to defeat its enemies and exposition of “Europe’s humanitarian and pro-peace rhetoric as a hypocritical sham” meant to cover over both their long-engrained disdain, if not outright hatred for Jews, as well economic and diplomatic appeasement of the Islamic world. read more


Tuesday War News: Rocket Attack From Gaza; Yesha, Gaza Closed on Terror Warnings, Rabbi Stabbed Enroute to Kotel, Terrorist Nabbed, Molotov in Hevron, Jewish Drivers Stoned in Galilee


Chief Rabbis Discourage Firecrackers


The Mercaz HaRav pogrom has had a profound impact on the Rabbanim.

One may recall that many in the community mistook the terrorist’s gunshots for firecrackers.

On Sunday, Rav Kanievsky issued p’sak banning employment of Arabs.

Now the Chief Ashkenaz and S’fardi Rabbis have issued a ban on firecrackers. Perhaps now, if Israelis bother to listen to Rabbis (highly doubtful), we may hear less of those booms around Ramat Beit Shemesh which sound very much like gunfire or Kassams. MB read more


Top Hareidi Rav Issues Ban on Arab Labor


Here’s a Rabbinic decision which is long overdue. It’s a shame that it apparently took a tragedy, the terror attack at Yeshiva Merkaz HaRav, to bring about the decision to Rabbinically ban employment of Arab workers by Jews.

One can only hope that practical application of the ban spreads from Yeshivas, restaurants and stores to the building and construction trades.

One can only hope that Rav Kanievsky, who issued the decision, is supported and not over-ruled in Hareidi circles and that the decision and its application are supported steadfastly in the inevitable future ensuing legal battles with the leftist Israeli “justice system” which are sure to arise. MB read more

Parsha Tzav and Purim: Our Ketores — the Good and the Bad


by Moshe Burt

In writing a vort on Purim, this author thinks back to a theme addressed in an earlier Siyum on Mesechta Megillah from three years ago as well as another recurring theme on this blog.

The Jew separates and distinguishes himself from the rest of the nations through the Mitzvah of Bris Milah, even though many of our contemporary Jewish brothers would distance themselves from, or stand in denial of their Yiddishkeit. But many among our Jewish brethren would deny Hashem’s control of the world and seek to tailor Torah and their Jewishness to fit the ways of the nations rather than accepting Hashem’s reishut (command) over the world. read more


Shabbos War News: Rocket, Mortar Attacks From Gaza Continue Thru Shabbos, IAF Offs Rocket Launch Cell, Explosive Devices Near Gaza Fence; Molotovs Tossed at Cars, Border Police, Fake Bomb Found


Bibi’s NO Better Than Olmert



It may be that Binyamin Netanyahu “could fix” “the situation in the western Negev” but, in reality, he’s not one iota better than Olmert.

The last lines in Gil Hoffman’s are telling;

He [Netanyahu] said that all of Jerusalem must remain in Israeli hands, to prevent it from falling to Hamas and to keep it safe for people from around the world.

“To prevent it from falling to Hamas and to keep it safe for people from around the world” — not a word about the holiness of Jerusalem. There is nothing in what Bibi said relating to Jerusalem as our eternal heart, that Jerusalem, that Har Habayit is the very seed and root of the Jewish people. read more


Friday War News: Kassams Continue Pounding South, 830 Rockets Against Israel in Two Months; Israel: No Defense Against Iranian Cruise Missiles; Rocks at Jewish Vehicles Through Yesha, Ramle; Fears of New Attacks on Gilo
