New Stamp Honoring Gush Katif: Symbolism Over Substance?


American radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has continually used the phrase “symbolism Over substance” in illustrating cases of governmental lip-service toward a principle or issue.

We find, with the Gush Katif stamp, a classic example of “symbolism Over substance.” While large numbers of former Gush Katif residents have suffered, and continue to suffer directly-related psychological trauma, as well as continuing, in large part, to live limbo without permanent resettlement, lack of compensation and lack of parnossa, the Gush Katif stamp means nothing other than the regime throwing them a worthless, meaningless bone for all of their suffering. A stamp is meaningless payback for their persecution and for the loss of of their beloved Gush Katif due to their Jewishness! When do Jews stop settling for their epitaphs? MB

New Stamp To Honor Gush Katif

Full Text;

The Israel Postal Company, with approval from the government, has designed a stamp commemorating Jewish life in Gaza’s Gush Katif region, which was brought to an abrupt and violent halt two and a half years ago by the expulsion plan carried out by then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

The stamp will feature the yeshiva of Neve Dekalim, tomatoes, the main agricultural product of the region, an orange ribbon symbolizing the fight to hold on to the Jewish homes, schools, and businesses, and the names of all 23 Gush Katif towns. Also appearing on the stamp will be a quote from the Book of Amos: “Never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them.”

The stamp was initiated by MK Uri Ariel of the National Religious Party, who also heads the Knesset lobby on behalf of Gush Katif expellees.

Related report; Gush Katif Expellees Suffering Psychological Trauma
