Tzipi: By What Right Are You Indignant or Feeling Betrayed After Forcing Jews From Their Homes??



This author penned these sentiments in July, 2006 just prior to the expulsion of Jews from their homes, neighborhoods, lands and jobs. It is a particularly appropriate response in light of Tzipi Livni’s performance in front of the UN today;

We are the front line of Judaism. Our humiliation at rewarding terror would cast all Jews here and in Chutz L’Aretz again as “spineless”. Look for serious Anti-Semitic backlash. And Chas V’Chalila after Jew would expel Jew, expect the Arabs and the world to attack us at will and as we have probably not seen in the past 50 years. We would again be viewed by the world, as we were seen by the Nazis, as spineless, sub-human creatures. Nothing would remain sacred.

We felt betrayed when we were attacked at the Munich Olympics, on the Holy day of Yom Kippur, in the Air France plane hijacked to Entebbe. Don’t dare feel betrayed again because, for the Secular Israeli who Chas V’Chalila supports expulsion of his Jewish brothers, perhaps nothing Jewish could ever be sacred again.

Click here for the YouTube video of Livni’s speech in front of the UN building.

Related report;

Livni Slammed for Participating in Rally, by Herb Keinon (Jerusalem Post)
