Sunday, Monday War News: Continuing Kassam Attacks, Iran Invests BIG in Syria, Shomron Terrorist Infiltration Foiled


Kassam Rocket Lands in Open Area in Western Negev; None Wounded

Kassam Lands Near Sderot, No Injuries Reported

Kassam Rocket Lands in Eshkol Regional Council

Kassam Attack, No Injuries

IDF Attacks Terrorists in Gaza

Moshe Arens: Does Anybody Seriously Suggest Israel Incapable of Dealing with Gaza Terrorists While Remaining Alert and Prepared in the North?

Iran to Invest $10 Billion in Syria

IDF Prevents Terrorist from Infiltrating Shavei Shomron

“Soldiers spotted the man trying to enter the settlement and as he realized he was discovered he opened fire on them.”

Terrorist Infiltration Foiled

IDF Kills Teenage Terrorists near Ramallah

IDF Troops Shoot, Kill Armed Palestinian Near a-Tira

IDF Troops Arrest 13 Fugitives Overnight [in Yehuda, Shomron]

Soldiers Confiscate Weapons in PA Car South of Shechem

Soldiers Wound Three Terrorists in Shechem

IDF Opens Fire at Palestinian who Threw Boulders at Troops

Soldiers Shoot 2 in Hevron; Terrorist Killed in Shechem

IDF Arrests Two Terrorists in Hevron

Palestinians: Al Aksa Gunman Killed by IDF Gunfire [in Shechem]

Ambush in Shomron
