Tuesday War News; Gaza Action and Rocks, Molotovs and Arrests


While Syria Arms, Barak Refuses Homefront Preparations


Israel’s political leaders seem not to have learned very much since the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Newly crowned defense minister Ehud Barak refuses protection for the homefront in light of the serious Syrian threat, just as Israel didn’t mobilize and call up it’s military reserves upon prior warnings of impending war — lest it be seen as provocative, aggressive presumably by American satellite intelligence of the time.

The Jerusalem Posts’ report on Barak’s avoidance of distributing gas masks states; read more


Ehud Olmert’s Appalling Callousness Toward His Jewish Constituents


The callous insensitivity of Ehud Olmert for the Jews of Israel is outrageous and becoming apparent, even outside Israel. The article below is by no means a one-time aberration. For a few examples in the long litany of such instances, click here, here, here, here and more recently; here and here. MB

View From America: Ehud Olmert’s Bunker Mentality, Jonathan Tobin (Jerusalem Post)

Prof. Mooli Lahad of Tel Hai College; “The houses are fixed, but the question remains as to whether the souls of those who suffered through the bombardment and the displacement it caused are repaired.” read more

Sunday War News; Kassam Blitz, Hezbollah Buying Up Lebanon Land, Arrests


Barak Stakes Future Hand-Over of [Jewish] Land on Kassam Intercept System, Increased Level of IDF Preparedness



The two articles below, while reporting Barak’s assertions that any “separation” from land is 3-5 years away and dependent upon functionality of Kassam interception system, give short-shrift to the reality of the fallibility of any such system; i.e. in a massive attack, missiles will penetrate the system no matter what the level of functionality.

Beyond stating the obvious, that relinquishment or handing over of Jewish Land is based on the bogus demographics cover for severing Israeli connection for Jewish law, history, traditions and roots, it is axiomatic that Abba Eban’s famous Auschwitz borders pronouncement is at least as true now as it was when he made it in the UN. MB read more

Shabbos War News; Rocks, Molotovs and Arrests


Bibi Tries to Intimidate Likud Voters With Bogus Scare Tactics



Benjamin Netanyahu, the current leader of the Likud party, and candidate for Likud leadership in Tuesday’s primary, is attempting to employ bogus scare tactics against his main competition, perhaps only competition, Manhigut Yehudit’s Moshe Feiglin.

But check out how Moshe Feiglin responds to Netanyahu’s outrageously bogus and chutzpadik charges and strategy in these videos.

Remember, this is the same Bibi who garnered but 19 Knesset seats in losing big to Ehud Barak in the 1999 election which led to Barak’s in-the-dead-of-night withdrawal under fire from South Lebanon which laid the seeds for last summer’s capture of IDF soldiers and the Lebanon conflict with Hezbollah. This is the same Bibi who did still worse in garnering 12 Knesset seats while being pummelled in the March, 2006 elections by Ehud Olmert who tied the Lebanon conflict to convergence as northern Israel suffered bombardment of hundreds of Katyushas and thus suffered the devastating, strategic and discrediting loss of the Lebanon conflict and resultant infringements upon Jewish sovereignty and self-defense by 3rd party military forces. read more


Further Validation of the Scam of Olmert’s “Gestures” to Abbas


For previous blog posts, click here and here.

Terrorist Caught Red Handed, Then Released, by Aaron Klein (Ynet)

Brigades member detained for involvement in terror activity, then let go after IDF determined he was on Olmert’s amnesty list.

Full Text;

Israel yesterday captured an Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades member while he was engaging in terror-supporting activity but let him go after it was determined he was on a list of wanted gunmen granted amnesty by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, WND has learned. read more


The Demographics Dud: Part of Systematic Cover for Separating Israelis from the Land, from All Jewish Roots

For previous blog posts on the government’s long-standing, bogus demographics stats, click here.

Also, read The Real Issue Wasn’t Refusal, by Paula R. Stern regarding Israel’s leftist media and their willful, complicit role in creating bogus facts to indoctrinate acceptance among the people as gospel.

Mis-Leading, by Atty. Elyakim Haetzni (Israel National News)


Why would a captain willfully run a ship aground?

The American-Israel Strategic Planning Group, with leading members such as Bennett Zimmerman and Yoram Ettinger, has again publicized data contradicting the chilling picture that serves as the Left’s rationalization of and excuse for the policy of withdrawals. In general, the picture is exactly the opposite of everything we assumed. There is a sharp decline in Arab birthrates and a constant rise in Jewish birthrates. read more