Uncomfortable Questions for Concerned Citizens to Ask Peres About 1978 Prediction


Shimon Peres Prophet (IMRA)

To read what concerned citizens ought to be asking President Shimon Peres, and how to contact him by telephone and email, in light of his 1978 comments below, click here.

The comments below constitute “a chillingly accurate prediction made three decades ago, by Shimon Peres,” now the nation’s newly elected president;

“The establishment of such a [Palestinian] state means the inflow of combat-ready Palestinian forces (more than 25,800 men under arms) into Judea and Samaria; this force, together with the local youth, will double itself in a short time. It will not be short of weapons or other [military] equipment, and in a short space of time, an infrastructure for waging war will be set up in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. Israel will have problems in preserving day-to-day security, which may drive the country into war, or undermine the morale of its citizens. In time of war, the frontiers of the Palestinian state will constitute an excellent staging point for mobile forces to mount attacks on infrastructure installations vital for Israel’s existence, to impede the freedom of action of the Israeli air-force in the skies over Israel, and to cause bloodshed among the population. in areas adjacent to the frontier-line.”

Shimon Peres, Tomorrow is Now, Jerusalem: Keter, 1978, p. 232.
