Can There be Any Surprise?: Abbas Supports Killing Jews

PLO Chief Abbas Supports Hitting Israel, Not Hamas, by By Michael Widlanski (IMRA)


The Olmert Regime may not like it. And it may be tabboo to say in Israel’s current repressed state of “Freedom of Speech,” but Abbas Supports Killing Jews, and the Regime know’s it!! MB

For context, click here and here.


“Our rifles, all our rifles are aimed at The Occupation,” [Arabic: “Al-Ihtilal”] declared Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas today (Jan. 11) in a major speech that was warm to Hamas and harsh to Israel and the United States. read more

Livni: At Least As Dismal a Leader as Olmert

She’ll Only Make Things Worse, by Evelyn Gordon (Jerusalem Post)

“Livni’s proposal violates the most basic rule of negotiations: Always keep something in reserve for the next stage.”

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According to the polls, Tzipi Livni might well be Israel’s next prime minister. Public disgust with the government in which she serves as foreign minister has somehow bypassed her; with an approval rating of over 50 percent, she is Israel’s most popular politician.

Yet this popularity is mystifying – because Livni’s record gives every reason to believe that she would be as dismal a premier as her current boss. read more

Thursday War News


Parsha Shemos 5767: “Surely This Thing is Known” — The Evolution of Jewish Enslavement

Parsha Shemos 5767: “Surely This Thing is Known” — The Evolution of Jewish Enslavement

by, Moshe Burt

“At the beginning of the Parsha, we are told that when Moshe grew up, he went out to see his brethren … their ways and behavior. When he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, and there was no one else in sight, i.e., no other Hebrew … willing to defend the man … being beaten,
he assumed that was because their slavery had destroyed their will to struggle. On the second day, though when he saw two Hebrews fighting one another and one said to him, ‘as you killed the Egyptian,’ he saw that that man believed that Moshe’s actions on the previous day had been wrong. Moshe responded, ‘Surely this thing is known’ — it is not their slavery nor their lack of strength to fight back that is causing them not to resist the Egyptians, because they are perfectly willing to fight one another. What is evidently missing is a sense of justice, of mutual support, of helping the weak, and that is the reason why the redemption had not yet come. ‘Surely, this thing is known’ — now I understand the matter.” (Torah Gems, by Aharon Yaakov Greenberg on Parsha Shemos, page 20 quoting Bina Le Itim) read more


Olmert’s Chickens Coming Home to Roost?

PM Sources: Probe Report ‘Speculation’, By Dan Izenberg (Jerusalem Post)

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Reports that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will face a criminal investigation upon his return from China are just “speculations,” sources close to Olmert said Wednesday morning.

The sources declared that “we have not received any official statement from an authoritative source on this issue,” Army Radio reported.

Olmert refrained from commenting Wednesday on a report he would face a criminal investigation upon his return from a state visit to China. read more

Israel’s Self-Inflicted Sustained War Wounds

Analysis: Israel’s Numerous War Wounds, By Anshel Pfeffer

“What hasn’t been improved one bit since the end of the war is the decision-making process of our political leadership; in fact, that’s only got much worse.”


This blog is not picking up this article for it’s conclusions, but for the points made within and that the conditions within the government and the IDF are apparently showing no improvement.

Pfeffer begins and ends this article by seeming to give Nasrallah
credit for the current and ongoing debacle; read more


Tuesday Night, Wednesday War News


Regime Continues False, Fabricated Spin About Gush Katif Expellees

Gov’t: 75% of Gaza Evacuees Have Jobs, By Tovah Lazaroff (Jerusalem Post)


Approximately 75 percent of the Gaza Strip evacuees have found jobs since they were expelled from their homes in 2005, according to statistics presented Monday to the Ministerial Disengagement Committee. This number will increase to 85% within half a year, government officials who are working with the evacuees said.

But Yosef Zvi Rimon, head of the nongovernmental group JobKatif, which helps to find jobs for the evacuees, said the government’s numbers were too high. He said only 38% of the evacuees had found jobs. read more


Olmert on Unilateral Withdrawal: 9 January, 2007 Version — Subject to Change

PM Joins Growing Consensus Against Unilateral Withdrawal, by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz & Hana Levi Julian (Israel National News)


“Olmert explained his new position to the Chinese interviewer by reference to the Israeli withdrawals from Lebanon in 2000 and from Gaza in 2005, both of which, he said, encouraged terrorism and increased the likelihood of war.”

“A year ago, I believed that we would be able to do this unilaterally,” he told reporters ahead of a three-day trip to China, which began Tuesday morning. “However, it should be said that our experience in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip is not encouraging. We pulled out of Lebanon unilaterally, and see what happened. We pulled out of the Gaza Strip completely, to the international border, and every day they are firing Kassam rockets at Israelis. Under the existing circumstances, it would be more practical to achieve a two-state solution through negotiations rather than [unilateral] withdrawal.” read more
