To Save Israel, Olmert and Co. Must Go — NOW!

If the Olmert Government Doesn’t Fall Soon…, by Arlene Kushner


If the Olmert government doesn’t fall soon, we may see a process that leads to the destruction of Israel.

This past week Ma’ariv reported on a tentative plan being worked on, and reportedly covertly discussed between Israelis and Palestinians, that would involve a pullback from substantial parts of Judea-Samaria, establishment of a “provisional” Palestinian state, in return for a 10 year hudna.

Ladies and gentlemen, once again: A hudna is certainly not an end to hostilities, it is not even a ceasefire. A bit of background is in order here.

In 628, Muhammad, who had determined that he was not yet strong enough to take Mecca in battle, made a 10 year peace treaty — called the Hudaibya Pact — with the Quraysh tribe that controlled the city. Two years after signing it, when he had garnered considerably more strength, he abrogated the treaty and attacked the Quraysh with a force so overwhelming that they surrendered without a fight. He did this by waiting until their guard was down and then finding a pretext for attack.

In Islamic law, the way in which Muhammad conducted himself — the despicable, dishonorable way he conducted himself — is viewed as a model of proper behavior when dealing with non-Muslims. The term for this is hilam — “by stratagems, you will make war.” More than once Arafat referred to this publicly when talking about deals he had struck.

What does this mean? It means that the Palestinians would be happy to buy time in order to strengthen themselves. It says nothing but nothing about ultimate intentions. To surrender land to them under such circumstances would be truly insanity. If at all — and I do not believe we should at all — but if at all land is to be surrendered for a Palestinian state, it should only be when there is an absolute end to hostilities, terror organizations have been dismantled and the arsenal of weapons surrendered. To pull back to less defensible borders, to give them more land in which to operate, and to allow them time to garner additional strength — without demanding these conditions — is unthinkable. And yet, Olmert is thinking it.

Keep in mind that the Palestinians have a history of not keeping their signed agreements. Nor do they think they have to. They are dealing with us, with non-Muslims. This hudna would not last even ten years.

Olmert, of course, imagines that he would be the hero of the day for bringing “peace,” and the darling of the Western world. This is what he hungers for. What he would be doing, should he — G-d forbid — succeed in such a thing, would be to delay the Israeli grief and the death until after his watch. And it would be greater grief and death than if he contended with the threats we face in a forthright manner now. He would be committing a sin of great magnitude.

Everyone who loves Israel must speak out against such a plan. Nip it in the bud as early as possible.

Here, this means working to bring down the Olmert gov’t.

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