Olmert Regime’s Deaf Ear of Arrogant Disdain for Children of Sderot…

Why Won’t Israel Protect Sderot Classrooms?, By Noam Bedein (IsraelInsider.com)

Gal Alon, special advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Olmert: “As to the protection of school classrooms — the decision as of the way to protect these classes (including which classes should be protected) was taken by professionals.”

“How can a child pay attention in a classroom, study normally, when he’s ready any second to hear the daily siren: ‘Color Red’ and run through the hallways, in 15 seconds with all of the kids, from the other un-protected class rooms?”

“What other explanation is there as to why the rest of the country seems to ignore the Western Negev being fired at by rockets…?”


They had been in court that day, where their request had been turned down by the Israel State Attorney’s office, whose statement to the court claimed that there is no need for the protection of the classrooms, since if there is a protected area the children can run to, when the siren is sounded, that should suffice.

The situation in Sderot is that some schools are fully protected, some schools are partially protected, and some schools are not protected at all.

Gal Alon, special advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, answered concerns about the lack of protection of the schools in Sderot and the Western Negev by writing that “As to the protection of school classrooms — the decision as of the way to protect these classes (including which classes should be protected) was taken by professionals.”

Can any parent anywhere imagine what it is like to send a child to an unprotected class room, in a place like Sderot, which is fired upon every single day by missiles?

How can a child pay attention in a classroom, study normally, when he’s ready any second to hear the daily siren: ‘Color Red’ and run through the hallways, in 15 seconds with all of the kids, from the other un-protected class rooms?

What does a parent tell a third grader who wants to go back to the second grade because the classroom there is protected and his new class is not? Or when he’s scared to leave the house and walk to school?

What goes through a parent’s mind, when he sends his kid every single day to an unprotected school?

After all, there isn’t a neighborhood, community, street, person in Sderot that hasn’t experienced a rocket falling nearby.

How did Israel get itself into this situation, where the government, who is supposed to give a solution to this intolerable reality, does little or nothing to solve the problem of daily katyusha rockets falling in populated civilian areas? The Olmert regime stubbornly refuses to provided the necessary protection to keep the children of Sderot and the Western Negev safe, while adding insult to injury, making them feel like second class citizens, unworthy of the protection of Israel States Attorney’s office or the allocation of necessary funds to at least protect these children while they are at school.

Shortly after the early morning murder of Fatima Slotzker, with the opening of the business day in Israel., both the IDF radio and Voice of Israel Radio newsreels reassured their listeners that Israel’s stock market had not been affected by the lethal attack. What a relief that Israel can go about “business as usual” while the Western Negev is under lethal bombardment on a daily basis.

What other explanation is there as to why the rest of the country seems to ignore the Western Negev being fired at by rockets that have so far killed 23 people and traumatized the lives of thousands of people who have lived in fear of their lives for the past 5 years while they attempt going about their normal daily routine in the Western Negev?

Noam Bedein is 24. After a year of seminary study, three years of Israel Army service on the Lebanese border and a year’s trek around Asia, moved to Sderot to study at the business school at the Sapir College Branch of Ben Gurion University and has started work at the new Sderot Media Information Center for the Western Negev region of Israel.


Why does Shas remain in the government? The question here should seem an obvious one under all of the circumstances? What have they been given to totally ignore the plight of the children of a segment of their constituency? MB
