Remember This Classic Olmert Boast: “We Know What to Do”?

Olmert: Whatever is Necessary Will Be Done

Full Text;

“Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, who is in Los Angeles, told reporters that the IDF is authorized to take whatever measures are required to bring an end to terrorist rocket attacks into the Sderot and western Negev areas.

After being informed of the increase in attacks on Wednesday, Olmert telephones Defense Minister Amir Peretz, instructing him to step up the IDF response to the attacks.”

For additional background, click Outrage Rising Over Kassam Attacks, IDF Vows Retaliation

“A total of 12 rockets hit Sderot in four separate attacks on Wednesday, killing a woman and seriously injuring two others. Four rockets also hit Ashkelon.”


To Ehud Olmert, words are cheap. And as a result, nothng he says fazes Hamas. Credibility: forget about it! We still recall his pat response to terror and rockets; “We Know What to Do.” And the “brave fighters” who hide behind civilians, women and children will continue being shielded and chayalim will still have to think once, twice before shooting when confronted by clear and present danger for mortal fear of world opinion. The Arabs, the world look on and laugh hysterically and with utter disdain. MB
