With memories still fresh of the floating brown-outs throughout Israel at the start of this past week, Moshe Feiglin has added his voice to the growing list of those warning of the likely possibility of an eventual direct Kassam hit of the Ashkelon Power Station.
Feiglin: Rockets May Cause Next Power Outage
Full Text;
Jewish Leadership faction leader Moshe Feiglin (Likud) has warned that Kassam rockets may cause the next electric power outage. Israelis suffered brown-outs Sunday and Monday because of lack of capacity to supply a growing demand for electricity.
The electric company’s Ashkelon power plant, which produces 25 percent of the nation’s’ power, is located less than three miles from northern Gaza terrorist rocket launching sites. “Since the disengagement, missiles have frequently hit near the plant. Every intelligent Israeli should be asking himself some critical questions: What will happen when a direct missile hit from Gaza shuts down the entire plant?…How many lives will be lost?” Feiglin asked.
For context, click here, here, here and here.
This author is repeating words written 10 months ago, a little more than 2 weeks before the expulsion; excerpts from a report about an overnight trip to Kissufim, to illustrate the warnings being issued now to the regime. Pay particular attention to reason #4 in light of the warnings of Moshe Feiglin and others.
I spoke with a number of soldiers at tent, also at their duty stations near the tent and at the little privately owned snack bar accross from the concrete barriers seeking their reactions to events, giving them my 4 Main reasons why we can’t permit the Hitnatkut to happen while peppering them with sports, impressions and trivia from the “Ole Country.”
As I spoke to the soldiers, I could see the confusion, turmoil and lack of assuredness in their eyes. I feel for them. How horrible, how beyond arrogance and Chutzpah that these beautiful, yet naive neshamot are being used and abused — tools for maintaining the power and the self-enrichment of the corrupt family at the expense of the people, not just of Gush Katif, but of all of the Jewish people.
I provided them with my 4 reasons;
1/”Yehudi lo migrash Yehudi” (Jew does not expell and displace his fellow Jew)
2/ The history of the Jewish/Torah/Biblical connection with Gush Katif and that it was part of Biblical Eretz Yisrael throughout our history …
3/ The beauty of Gush Katif — a barren land made to bloom and to flourish and the terrible impact of it’s possible loss on Israel’s Agricultural sector and on the economy as a whole.
4/ the impact on all Israelis — their mode of living, their security, the economy, taxes and resources when the Kassams which now fall in Neve Dekalim, Gadid, Ganei Tal, etc. and Sderot, now begin falling large urban centers like Ashkelon, Ashdod, Kiryat Gat, etc.
Finally, a JPost editorial, “Before Our ‘Luck’ Runs Out” expresses similar warnings, although this author totally disagrees with the editorial’s methodology in dealing with this threat, ie, the total futility of “Israel seeking … “UN Security Council condemnation of all the attacks on our territory, whether from Iran’s and Syria’s puppet in Lebanon or from Palestinian areas, and affirmation of our own right to self-defense…” MB