Cabinet Ministers in Sderot: Schools to Remain Unprotected
Just hours after a Kassam hit a miraculously empty classroom in Sderot yesterday, the money to rocket-proof the city’s schools was found. Defense Minister Peretz now says it won’t happen so fast.
Peretz: No Chance to Fortify Schools by September
Despite announcing plan Sunday to armor Gaza perimeter schools immediately, by Monday defense minister cynical about likelihood of completing security construction by next school year; IDF officials: Fortifying schools will take long time – plan needs wide budget, exact planning.
Oh come now, give us a break! The regime who were able to plan the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif as a well-oiled military campaign can’t fortify some schools in the cities and towns close to Gaza? Can’t or don’t want to? And is ths but an extension of the harrassment and persecution of the Gush Katif refugees? Considering that the regime has made so much noise about settling the south, it can only be assumed that they seek to put thousands of people there and forget about them, to shut them all off from any services.
The nations teachers should all now do the right thing; strike all of the state’s schools throughout the country in unity with their brothers in the south who should henceforth strike because of work conditions; the lack of security in the south endangering both the students and themselves. MB
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