PM Decides AGAINST Attacking Hamas-led PA as Response to Bombing
Didn’t Olmert just utter this comment yesterday: ‘We Will Know How to Respond, We Know What to Do’? MB
IDF Arrests Father of TA Suicide Bomber Near Jenin
![The teenaged Tel Aviv Islamikazi Bomber](
Young Terrorists are Made, Not Born
What drives a young Palestinian to turn his body into a bomb? Children are not born hating. It is something they learn – and the Palestinian Authority has been the ideal teacher. It has perfected the art of fomenting hatred, and promoting suicide terror.
Suicide Bombing Architect Caught in Tul Karem
Arab With a Knife Arrested Near Jerusalem
3 Arrested Palestinians Planned Suicide Bombing
West Bank: IDF Arrests 15 Palestinian Fugitives
Karmiel: Explosives Found Outside Attorney’s House
Air Force Attacks a Kassam Rocket Factory
21 Wanted Operatives Caught Overnight
IDF Fires at Kassam Workshop in Gaza City
Rocks Hurled at Vehicles Near Tekoa
IDF Captures Eight Unarmed Infiltrators
After the Latest Tel Aviv Suicide Bombing;
Analysis: IDF Raids May Not be Enough
Isn’t it time for full invasion, in Yehuda and Shomron and Gaza, reoccupation of Gaza, restoration and reconstruction of the Gush Katif Jewish Communities and TOTAL Detachment of the Arabs from all services, utilities and tax collections? Sorry Ehud, you and Sharon made a Colossal, Catastrophic Blunder! MB