Likud Leaders Speak Out Against ‘Enemies’
The Likud set out to defeat its enemies in the last week before the March 28 election, identifying them as the Hamas leadership in the Palestinian Authority, polls predicting the party’s electoral defeat and an antagonistic press.
Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu and other Likud leaders spoke out against each of the three foes on Sunday night at a wedding hall filled with hundreds of activists in Beersheba. Party strategists said they believed that the messages against Hamas, the polls and the press would be enough to a salvage a few more mandates, the party’s reputation and perhaps even Netanyahu’s job.
Bibi; The Demographics Lie is a HUGE issue in the Israeli elections, a card which the Right has not played. Why? The truth be damned?? Why? Because the demographics truth leads to a lot of other uncomfortable questions for “comfortable” secular Israelis?
Why, by your silence are you complicit with Sharon/Olmert in the Bilking of US Taxpayers??? Bibi, what are you afraid of? MB