Gush Katif Spokesman Declares Victory
“Eran Sternberg, thrown out of his home in Gush Katif last summer, says that the reports of ‘concern in the IDF’ over lack of motivation among future officers are a sign that his approach is correct.”
“IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz has publicly acknowledged that the IDF’s active involvement in the expulsion from Gush Katif and the destruction of nine houses in Amona has led to much ‘bad feeling’ among many of its best soldiers.”
“‘There is much bad feeling in the air,’ he [Halutz] told the Knesset Committee of Inquiry into the Events at Amona this week, ‘mutual bad feeling. We have to find the way to deal with this. This is incumbent upon me and on the IDF.'”
“Sternberg, who was relocated from Ganei Tal to Yad Binyamin, has long championed the idea that expulsion-opponents must show their disillusionment with the IDF by refusing to enlist or, at least, refusing to pursue leadership positions in the army.”