Official Result: Hamas Wins — But What’s it Matter Who Won?

Here, Barak of the IRIS Blog adds commentary to that of Steven Plaut in asserting that the masquerade and make-pretend games that recent Israeli regimes have played with the people are over, at least for the present.

However, if the people don’t get tough and show the politicians, in no uncertain terms, that the charade is over and that we, the Jewish people, will no longer complacently fall for the spin which a Regime puts on good-guys/bad guys among the Arab enemy, the next governing regime will dress up a new set of good-guys/bad guys to sell to the gullible. MB

Why the Hamas Victory is a Good Thing

[Retreat ignored]Hamas’ Victory in the Palestinian Elections: What Does it Mean?

Column One: The Anatomy of Hamas’s Victory

Introducing Hamas – The New Likud


“In a matter of 20 days, both Israel and Palestine have witnessed the passing of their founding generation, the generation that seemed capable of burying us all.”

“God is in the unexpected. Left to our own devices, our fossilized expectations, our unwillingness to believe in a better future, we’ll mess up His work every time.”

“Thank God that we can be so wrong.”


What’s it matter who won the PLC elections and who forms the next “pa(sic)” government?

The mutual goal of all of the factions, Fatah, El Aksa Brigades, Hizbullah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP, etc. is the same; the destruction of Jewish sovereignty on Jewish Land and death to the Jews.

What’s it matter whether one group has this as it’s immediate goal or whether the goal is achieved more slowly, piece-by-piece? The ultimate goal is the same and is one that all of the so-called Arab “factions” subscribe to without exception, without annulment.

Moderates, extremists, it’s all a myth. But can it be any wonder that Hamas won?

For Israel has rewarded terrorism in a multitude of ways including allowing itself to be chased from South Lebanon, training security forces/terrorists, giving them weapons and most recently, expelling it’s Jewish citizens from Gush Katif under a hail of Kassams, surrendering Jewish Holy Places there to desecration and destruction and out-right giving up and surrender at the Rafah Crossing.

The government of Israel has shown that it is no more than 21st Century Yudenrat, totally lacking any attachment to anything Jewish, not to Torah, not Hashem, not to Jewish traditions or history.

In short, these effete Israeli Political Bums, almost all 120 MKs, as well as the major candidates for Prime Minister and for Cabinet Posts need to be politically “tarred and feathered” and expelled from Israel on rails!

This blog has, from it’s outset, stayed away from discussion of the various Arab terrorists. It published PLC election results because they were news.

The news coverage of Hamas and the “pa(sic)” elections ends here with this post.

The point is that the Jews had best cease worrying about who will govern the bogus “pa(sic)” and start worrying about whether Israel will straighten itself and be restored as a democracy with a more faith-based orientation after 28 March, or whether the Sharon-Olmert Regime will emulate the British Mandate Government and continue to give free shelter and free ride to Arab avowed enemies while expelling and persecuting the Jews. MB
