Israeli Regime’s Goon Squads [Yassamnikim and Commandos] Strong-Arming Latest Pogrom, This in Chevron …

Friends, the language of the headline was deliberately strong. Something has to awaken Jews from their lethargy!

What follows are a Number of Loosely-translated articles from Hebrew with links to the articles in Hebrew;

Youths Blocked From Ascending to Tel-Rumeida

Excerpt (Loosely translated from Hebrew via Email);

“A leader of the civil disobedience struggle in Hevron related an incident yesterday in which a group of youths walked toward Tel-Hevron (Tel-Rumeida) via a free-passage route used by Jews everyday. They were stopped by a group of IDF officers, including Hevron Brigade Commander Motti Baruch and senior officers from the Yehuda Brigade, who refused them passage. When the group tried to continue forward, the officers beat them, cocked their weapons and threatened to shoot them, and then beat them with their rifle butts (with bullets still chambered). The group then turned back, as they were sure that the next step was to be fired upon.”

Another source reports regarding the above story;

BS teens were part of the group and report the same. The boys relate that they were on their way to say tehilim and were unexpectedly and for no apparent reason denied access to the road.

Anti-Expulsion Activists at J’lem Entrance Removed by Police

Excerpt; (Loosely translated from Hebrew via Email);

“Dozens of anti-expulsion activists blocked the entrance to J-lem yesterday and were forcibly removed by the police.”

Measures Now Being Taken against the Jews in Hevron

Excerpt; (Loosely translated from Hebrew via Email)

“A police spokesman has detailed the measures now being taken against the Jews in Hevron. These include massive numbers of mounted riot police, YASSAM, MAGAV, and blue police.”

And this World News Daily Article Fortells Horrors Ahead Unless Jews start acting Like Jewish Men instead of dishrags for the Sharon/Olmert Regime!

Israel Withdrawal from West Bank?


“In what some here are calling the beginning of a possible large-scale withdrawal from the West Bank, Israeli forces are currently preparing to evict Jews from their homes in select area neighborhoods including the biblical city of Hebron, considered the oldest Jewish community in the world.”

Police Entering Homes Unlawfully, Without Warrants: Noam Arnon

Excerpt; (Loosely translated from Hebrew via Email)

“Hevron spokesman Noam Arnon says the police are entering homes in search of would-be arrestees without the warrants required by law. He says the struggle leadership told the youths there this morning to cease clashes with the security forces.”

This Israel National News report from mid-afternoon;

Tense Quiet in Hevron


“Hundreds of army forces and special policemen entered the Jewish Quarter of Hevron late this morning, taking over rooftops, as well as the Betar building. The situation is tense.”

“‘They’ve come simply to provoke us, to scare us and to show their strength,’ said David Wilder, spokesman for the Hevron Jewish Community. ‘They have come with a tremendous show of force – soldiers, police, Yassam, Border Guard, and horses – and they’re just standing and watching. I don’t think there’s been one arrest. They’re simply waiting for someone to attack them.'”

“‘They went into the Betar building,’ Wilder said, ‘right in the middle of the Avraham Avinu neighborhood, and declared the people standing on the roof as an illegal assembly – even though I never heard of such a thing on private property… They’re also blocking off the ancient Avraham Avinu synagogue and not letting people into that area.'”

“Another spokesman, Noam Arnon, said, We convened the youth this morning, and informed them that the stage [of violence] of the past two days has ended. The police, however, ignore this, and came here today to stage a provocation.'”

“Hevron activist Baruch Marzel told Arutz-7, ‘We are just fighting for our land and our inheritance; it’s ours and we don’t plan to turn the other cheek.’ He accused the press of not telling the whole story: ‘For example, has anyone heard the case of the little 10-year-old tzaddik [righteous one] who, on his way out of evening prayers, was set upon by Yassam police who started beating him up; only when they saw how young he really was did they let him go…’

‘There is an entire population sector that was hurt to its very soul by what happened this summer,’ Marzel said. ‘We see that we can only rely on G-d – no one in authority is preserving law or justice. The government’s intention – whether headed by Ariel Sharon or Tommy Lapid’s friend Ehud Olmert – is to destroy everything that is sacred in the Land of Israel, of which Hevron is a main part.’

Email Reactions;

1/ “What happened to the “guilt” that so many were supposedly experiencing after the summer? Was that all a lie? Or did the IDF handpick the soldiers who enjoyed the summer’s experience?

“What is going on with our people? What went on over the summer was at least accompanied by hugs and kisses and tears – worth nothing of course in the big picture – but now these soldiers seem to have no qualms about physical violence and gas!

2/ “Olmert has to prove he is no less than Sharon. That’s what this is about, and Amona, and Sde Boaz….and Yas”am and Maga”v are not the rest of the army. And people believe the drivel they hear on the radio and from the commanders and from the politicians… And when it’s an ‘us and them’ atmosphere, it’s easy for this to happen….”
