Sharon Planning Massive Withdrawals, Likud Ministers Resign Sunday to Designate Opposition in Election Campaign, Bibi and Jerusalem

Likud Source: Kadima’s Program Calls for More Unilateral Withdrawals

Security Establishment Calling for Unilateral Withdrawal from N. Rajar


“The security establishment is recommending Israel unilaterally withdraw from the northern portion of Rajar, a northern border community that sits divided, with the northern portion open to southern Lebanon.”

Sharon Mulling ‘Northern Pullout’

Just another example of the self-defeating “cut-and-run” Israeli political mentality! MB

Sharon’s New Plan: Uproot Towns in Judea and Samaria in Exchange for American Compensation


“Details of Sharon’s new plan were reported by sources close to former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.”

Maariv: Sharon Seeks American support for Massive Retreat After Elections

Likud Ministers to Resign on Sunday

But would Bibi be any better?

MK Eitam: Netanyahu Will Allow Jerusalem to be Divided
