The Swap Pops Up Again: Pollard for Barghouti? …

Al-Arabiya Director: Pollard for Barghouti


“According to Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid, director of the United Arab Emirates-based satellite television station Al-Arabiya, the release of convicted terrorist leader Marwan Barghouti from Israeli jail is dependent upon the release of Jonathan Pollard from his American imprisonment. Pollard is serving a life sentence in federal prison for having passed along classified information to Israel.


It must be understood that this author lovingly prays for Jonathan Pollard’s release daily and Shabbos at every opportunity as well as encorporating a prayer for his release in each Vort on Torah spoken or written. And the possibility that Marwan Barghouti could be released is beyond sickening.

In the past, there have been periodic discussions among activists; what ifs — Pollard’s release in exchange for Barghouti, for territorial concessions; in fact, Bibi went to Wye with the understanding that concessions would be rewarded by the release of Jonathan Pollard. In the end of Wye, a deceitful then-President Clinton extracted concessions from Bibi Netanyahu regarding the Wye Agreements and retracted his side — release of Pollard.

We’ve heard about Pollard’s release being the reward to Israel for expulsion of Jews. We heard of Pollard being offered in the deal which got Elchanon Tanenbaum released in exchange for hundreds of terrorist prisoners. Somehow, the US keeps teasing and disgracefully Indian-giving the release of Jonathan Pollard in order to extract more and more concessions from Israel as formerly imprisoned Islamic murderers roam free already plotting their next bloody mission against us.

Please note, as this author’s Rav has stated, Halachically “It is absolutely ossur to release a murderer such as Barghouti from prison, for any “price”.

But since when did the government of Israel ever pay the slightest attention to Halacha regarding murderous Arab terrorists? What religious party has ever raised cane or threatened to leave the coalition or topple the government over the halachic ramifications of releasing thousands of murderous Islamics with Jewish blood on their hands, for “confidence-building” regarding Oslo, Wye, Road Map, etc?

Bearing the above in mind, this author asks, how badly does the US want to “prop up Abbas” in the coming pa(sic) elections against Hamas? And could it be, if the US were at last truthful, candid and serious about a swap releasing Pollard, should, would Israel accept such a deal? Can it be, bearing in mind the government of Israel’s contempt and disregard for Halacha that Jonathan Pollard is a larger asset to Israel long-term, as a unifying and galvanizing force among the belief-based Jewish public in Israel than Barghouti could ever be to the Islamics of Fatah, the Al Aqsa Brigades, Hamas, etc. ? Or, is Jonathan Pollard deemed by the government of Israel more dangerous to them [the government] walking free than is Marwan Barghouti?

If such a deal ever came to fruition and actualization, would Israel reap a reward for all time, while the Islamics suffer a political, diplomatic, historical “curse of Ruth”? MB


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