Will the Gush Katif and Shomron Refugees be Denied Their Right to Vote?

Will the disengagement victims be disenfranchised?


“Are the Disengagement victims being disenfranchised? How will they be able vote? Most do not have existing places of residence. There won’t be any polling booths in Gush Katif or Northern Samaria.”

This is a real interesting question. There are roughly 4,000 plus adult votes at stake. Many or most of the Refugees have not changed their Teudah Zehut (National Identity Card) to record their residence at their current venue due to the fluidity of their situation, i.e. residing in one place now, in a month they could be evicted from that location and shifted somewhere else, and have the situation repeated again and again. Such is the extent of the neglect and persecution of these people at the hands of the Sharon Regime and family.

Anita Tucker, formerly of Netzer Hazani in Gush Katif tells this author that Uri Ariel is trying to draft a law to insure that the Refugees are able to vote whereever they happen to reside as of the election date, now scheduled for 28 March, 2006. MB

Hat Tip; Batya
