Sharon Launches Campaign … On a Lie??

PM Sharon opts to launch campaign with lie?


‘I do not plan to carry out any other plan. There is no plan of an
additional separation.
There is only the Road Map.some settlements in the final agreement may be evacuated but until then there are no plans for additional evacuations.'”

“By telling the general public that he plans no retreats Sharon allows them to feel comfortable voting for his party while he can still enjoy the support of the media and intelligentsia (and perhaps most important what appears to be immunity from indictment as long as future retreats are in the offing) that knows he actually plans to retreat.” read more


More on Dispersal of Knesset and New Elections …

Final Vote: Knesset Votes to Disperse 84:0

In First of 4 votes, Knesset Okays Dissolution

Line score 84-10 in preliminary vote, as Knesset races to beat Presidential dispersal which would enable Sharon to re-shuffle cabinet. MB

Likud Begins Purging Party Members Loyal to PM Sharon

Likud Wants Restraining Orders Against PM, Cohorts


“‘The democratic process and reason do not permit the Likud to allow people with interests against the Likud in its proximity. The Likud will protect itself and its identity,’ said Katz.” read more


The Lebanon Border Heats Up …

Multi-Pronged Hizbullah Attack on Northern Israel Wounds Eleven

Thanks to Barak of IRIS for a great analysis of todays fighting in the north! Ehud Barak’s withdrawal “with tail between legs” created an explosion waiting to happen. And Sharon’s expulsions of Jews from Gush Katif and Shomron are the match that ignited Hisbullah. MB

11 Shelling Attack Victims Remain Hospitalized

Navy Moved to High Alert

EU Meets With Hizbullah, Israel Objects

As if such a meeting should come as any surprise!! MB read more


Add Two More Alleged Scandals to “The Family” Repertoire!

As stated in an earlier headline, a lot of questions need to asked regarding Omri Sharon’s role in the “National Responsibility” party, in the aftermath of his recent conviction regarding illegal political contributions.

This is discussed at length in a previous entry.

Another issue which needs to be aired clearly is the possible role played by Arik Sharon in the appointment in 1985 to Likud’s Security committee of admitted CIA spy Angie Kielcynski, (aka Yosef Barak) and what role Sharon might have played, along with Kielcynski, in Pollard’s arrest, trial and continued incarceration. read more


Will Sharon Supporters “Double-Dip”??

Editorial Comments:

Are Arik Sharon and his supporters preparing to do precisely what he has accused supporters of Manhigut Yehudit of doing?

Let’s go back in time, between 8 months and a year ago, when new registrants to Likud under the banner of Manhigut Yehudit were being accused of hijacking the party, voting for the movement in primaries and against Likud in the elections and were thus subjected to harrassment and compulsory interviews before having their party memberships in Likud approved. read more


Sharon Bolts Likud to Form New Party! So, What Else is New Under the Sun??

PM Shocks Political Arena

Hanegbi to Temporarily Replace Sharon as Head of Likud

Knesset to Vote at 4:00 P.M. on Resolution to Dissolve

Shas Removes No-Confidence Motion; Paves Way to Dissolve Knesset

Sharon Destroys Another of His Works: The Likud


“MK Omri Sharon, the Prime Minister’s son who pleaded guilty last week to violating campaign funding laws on behalf of his father’s primaries victory in a previous election, has not resigned from the Knesset as a result – and MK Aryeh Eldad thinks he knows why: ‘This way, he can be possibly the 14th MK to join his father’s new party – and if in fact the new party gets that many MKs, that is more than a third of the Likud. According to election laws, if one-third of a party breaks away, it receives one-third of the parent party’s campaign funding and broadcast time – and in the case of the Likud, of course, this adds up to a lot. That’s apparently why Omri Sharon didn’t resign – to keep the millions for his father’s new party.‘” read more

War Action: So the Arabs Were Quiet Overnight Due to Israel’s Political Scene?

It would appear, from the almost total lack of reporting of Oslo War Action yesterday in Israel’s dictatorial censored media, as if Murderous Arab Terrorists were silent in deferrence to Israel’s Political scene, thaty no Kassams fell, that no one was stoned or sniped at on Israel’s roads outside of Jerusalem, that there were no Arab infiltrations, no stabbings, that crossings from PA-Occupied Aza into the rest of Israel went without incidents, etc. MB

Here however were two stories that I could find which made it through the Regime’s censorship; read more


Pollard Sues Gov’t of Israel for Spy Swap or … Arik Sharon’s Smoking Gun??…

Pollard Sues Israeli Gov’t to Force Spy Swap


For details about Angie Kilciensky:
Ha’aretz: Israeli who spied for CIA: ‘Believe me, I am a spy – I am even ready to be swapped with Jonathan Pollard – Friday, May 18, 2001’

Transcript: Israel Radio Interview of Kielczynski, Israeli Spy for CIA

“Angie Kielcynski, (aka Yosef Barak) an Israeli Likud party activist (not an MK) was appointed by Arik Sharon to the party’s Security Committee in 1985. He took advantage of his appointment to this Committee and his access to classified information to spy for the U.S.” read more

Elections Pot Heating to a Boil …

Netanyahu: Sharon Will Start a New Party

If Sharon Decides to Form a New Party, How Will He do it?

If you believe that all of these rules and regulations are holy and not subject to corruption, graft, bribery, influence-peddling …, if you really believe that these rules for formig a new party were made with oversight in mind, sorry Charley! But I’ve gotta Bridge to sell you cheap!! MB

Labor Party Votes to Leave Sharon Gov’t

Labor Central Committee Votes to Leave Government

Excerpt: read more
