Parsha Chayei Sarah 5766: Two Shidduchim and a Legacy

Parsha Chayei Sarah 5766: Two Shidduchim and a Legacy
by, Moshe Burt

Toward the end of our parsha, after Avraham Aveinu’s acquistion of the Ma’arat HaMachpela for 400 shekels of silver from Efron the Hittite, after his burial and mourning period for Sarah Emeinu, Avraham sends Eliezer back to his (Avraham’s) family on a mission to find a wife for Yitzchak.

As Eliezer approaches Aram Naharayim, the city of Nahor, the home of Avrham’s family, he prays to Hashem; “Oh Lord, G’d of my master Avraham, I pray you … show kindness to my master Avraham.” read more


Electioneering: On Both Sides of “The Line”

PM’s New party ‘Kadima’ Announces Slogan


Campaign slogan will be, “Sharon, a strong leader for peace.”

As always, isn’t that “p” spelled wrong? Let’s correct it; “piece.” MB

Peretz’s Real Test: Your Trade Unionship, Sir?


“Now that Amir Peretz is the Chairman of the Labor party, his real test will be his ability to come to the major trade unions, those who took the time and trouble to vote for him and tell them: ‘Thanks for everything, but from the moment I won the election, I don’t owe you anything.'” read more


PM, C’mtee Making Like They Are Doing Something, Gush Katif Refugees Disrupt Bassi Appearance …

PM Sharon Convenes Meeting of the Ministerial Disengagement Committee

Oh How Nice it Looks on Paper, But Reality — Phoney Baloney. MB

Evacuees Interrupt Bassi’s Speech


“Disengagement Administration Head Yonatan Bassi, who delivered a speech at the Sderot Conference for Society Wednesday, was continuously interrupted by Gush Katif evacuees who arrived to participate in a panel on the lessons of the disengagement.”

“Bassi stepped up onto the podium accompanied by a security guard, only after police reinforced the number of security guards in the hall.” read more


Jonathan Pollard in 21st Year in Prison in US…

Azzam Azzam: Pollard is in Our Hearts


“The political establishment has no shame, no red lines; Israeli captives suffer in prisons for years, while Arab murderers are released to kill again, convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard wrote in a letter read by his wife Wednesday night, during a rally marking 20 years since his arrest in the U.S.”

“Thousands of right-wing activists from around the country gathered outside the prime minister’s official residence in Jerusalem, demanding Pollard’s release from prison. He is currently serving a life sentence.” read more


Election News — The Red-Eye Special!

Comptroller: “PM Sharon Distributed Millions Without Approval”


“MK Uri Ariel (National Union) told the committee that a certain IDF general told him a few years ago that, ‘the IDF doesn’t count MKs’ – meaning the IDF does not need to worry about Knesset approval to receive its funding.

“Chairman of the Knesset Defense Committee Yuval Steinitz (Likud) is calling for doing away with the Joint Committee for the Defense Budget altogether due to its failure to prevent unilateral decisions to be made by the prime minister.” read more


General Stern: What Do You Say About This?

Hesder Student Becomes Hero in Foiling Hizballah Raid


IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz has even gone so far as to demand that the yeshiva in Elon Moreh no longer be granted Hesder status because its Dean, Rabbi Yaakov Levanon, called upon students to refuse expulsion-related orders….”

The Commander of the IDF Personnel Corps, Maj.-Gen. Elazar Stern, announced plans a few months ago to disband, to some degree, the Hesder yeshiva units. Relations between the yeshivot and the army are thus not at their zenith.” read more


Today’s Election Politics …

Eitam: Likud Preferred Party Unity Over Land of Israel


“Eitam said, ‘The Likud, which was afraid to depose Sharon before he lifted his hand against Gush Katif, is today paying the price of the treachery against the values of the nationalist camp, and for the turning of their back against the settlers. The Likud now sees how its leader abandons the sinking ship after he made holes in its ideological bottom, and now goes to bring new wind into the left-wing sails.‘”

“‘Those who sacrificed the wholeness of the Land of Israel on the altar of the wholeness of the Likud Party,’ Eitam said, ‘now see that dividing the Land of Israel leads to the division of the Likud Party.'” read more
