Continuing Coverage of President Katsav, the Vatican and Mt. Zion — David HaMelech’s Kever …

In continuing coverage of the situation of Mt. Zion, David HaMelech’s Kever and the Vatican, it must be reported that despite 2 denials from President Katsav’s Office and this report in last Thursday’s Jerusalem Post, things just don’t seem right, something still seems amiss.

Jerusalem City Councilwoman Mina Fenton continues expressing nagging concerns about a variety of church activities in the Land of Israel over the years.

Two opinion pieces covering this issue also appear in today’s Jerusalem Post: read more

Israel’s Security, or Lack Thereof in Today’s News …


Sharon Meets His Match — In Ultimatums …

Labor Threatens to Topple Coalition This Week


“Peretz is demanding a meeting during the earlier part of the week, but for now, Sharon is unwilling to accommodate his schedule.”

“Peretz, who … now finding himself at the helm of the Labor party, faced with decisions that may lead to prompting elections in 90 days.

Peretz stated he tried reaching the prime minister by phone 22 times, but Sharon is telling reporters, untrue, it is I who telephoned Peretz.”

And Ben-Eliezer Checks in on the Coalition’s Future too … read more


New Elections Coming Closer …

Peretz Threatens To Topple Government This Week


“… if Prime Minister Ariel Sharon does not agree to meet with him in the next three days, Labor might topple the government immediately, forcing news elections.”

“‘Sharon acted irresponsibly by postponing to this Thursday the meeting with me, but the age of marathons has ended. I know these political exercises and I intend to play my cards close to the chest. If Sharon does not meet with me at the beginning of the week, we might work to bring down the government on Wednesday,’ when the Knesset is scheduled to vote on four no-confidence motions.” read more


Barak: HCJ Needs New Judges, “New Legal Rules to Deal Harshly With the Protesters.”

Barak: Supreme Court Needs New Judges


“During his speech Friday, the Supreme Court head dismissed allegations by the public defender’s office that the courts had taken harsh measures against arrested opponents of the disengagement brought before them, because they were bent on helping the government implement the plan.”

“‘I think the public defender’s report was superficial,’ Barak said. ‘I think that the Supreme Court and the [criminal] courts did a good job and were fair and objective under difficult circumstances.'” read more
