Today’s Election Politics …

Eitam: Likud Preferred Party Unity Over Land of Israel


“Eitam said, ‘The Likud, which was afraid to depose Sharon before he lifted his hand against Gush Katif, is today paying the price of the treachery against the values of the nationalist camp, and for the turning of their back against the settlers. The Likud now sees how its leader abandons the sinking ship after he made holes in its ideological bottom, and now goes to bring new wind into the left-wing sails.‘”

“‘Those who sacrificed the wholeness of the Land of Israel on the altar of the wholeness of the Likud Party,’ Eitam said, ‘now see that dividing the Land of Israel leads to the division of the Likud Party.'”


Read further to see how Tzachi HaNegbi, Yisrael Katz, Gila Gamliel wouldn’t “divide Likud” on behalf of the fellow Jews and on behalf a part of Eretz Yisrael and how Bibi Netanyahu “…and several other anti-disengagement ministers voted for the disengagement in a critical Knesset vote on Oct. 26, 2004, Netanyahu said, ‘We do not want to topple or replace anyone, but we want to give unity a chance, uniting the Likud and the nation.'” MB

Top aide: PM Won’t Define Settlement Blocs Before Vote

MK Sharon, Hanegbi Top Corruption List

PM Aide: ‘Land for Peace’ Out


“Road map plan replaced falsehood of territories for peace with much more realistic formula – security for Palestinian independence – senior Sharon advisor Eyal Arad tells British newspaper The Guardian”

Top Adviser: PM to Offer PA Independence for Security


Big Deal! “Land for Peace (sic)”, “Independence for Security” — Playing with words. The old American adage; “You can fool some of the people some of the the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Brain-washed, Mind-mumbed Israelis — Isn’t it time to wake up and smell the evil-smelling coffee Arik Sharon is brewing for you? MB

Sharon, Olmert,PA Talks for Quiet, PA State During Campaign as Victory Leverage

According to an email received today, a loose English translation of this Israel National News Report states; “Palestinian sources say Sharon is having secret talks (sometimes through Olmert) with the PA about ceasing terror during the election campaign and establishing a Palestinian state with temporary borders as leverage for victory. The PA rejected the temporary borders deal because they are afraid Israel will permanently retain large tracts of land in YO”SH.”

Erdan Protests Olmerts Meeting With Likud Mayors


“Erdan’s objection to the finance minister’s appointments was based on Olmert’s authority to approve funds to the municipalities headed by the mayors with whom he was to meet – something that may be seen as political bribery.”

Mofaz: Military Response Not Influenced by Domestic Political Realities


“… On Wednesday morning, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz rejected all attempts to make a link between the IDF response to this week’s Hizbullah shelling attacks and his position as a Likud leadership contender.”

“Mofaz admitted that the response could have been harsher; stating the measure of military forces used was not a result of United States pressure. Mofaz explained Israel must find the fine line – permitting a required response while not escalating the northern border hostilities to such a level that the international community’s pressure on Damascus shifts to Jerusalem.”

“The senior minister explained that Israel will never compromise the security of her citizens, and the upcoming elections do not change this reality.”

What a laugh! Words of another surrender artist! MB

FM Shalom’s Bogus Claims:

FM Shalom: Only I Can Keep Voters With the Likud

Isn’t this what they all say? Come election time, all of these wannabes will be in for a big surprise when Feiglin either wins or makes the Run-off cut with Bibi, and they don’t!! MB
