Elections Pot Heating to a Boil …

Netanyahu: Sharon Will Start a New Party

If Sharon Decides to Form a New Party, How Will He do it?

If you believe that all of these rules and regulations are holy and not subject to corruption, graft, bribery, influence-peddling …, if you really believe that these rules for formig a new party were made with oversight in mind, sorry Charley! But I’ve gotta Bridge to sell you cheap!! MB

Labor Party Votes to Leave Sharon Gov’t

Labor Central Committee Votes to Leave Government


“In his speech, Peretz reached out to Likud voters, ‘… You have no reason to continue to pay the price of the war between [former finance minister] Bibi [Netanyahu] and [Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon. You have no reason to continue to pay the price of the dazzling fraud and the hedonism of your central committee members,’ Peretz shouted. ‘You have no reason to feel as if you are abandoning the Likud. You are not abandoning the Likud; the Likud abandoned you. You gave the Likud your support and it turned its back on you. You believed in it as a family, and it deserted and neglected you.’

I think everyone knows where I stand, for the Jews and for Eretz Yisrael, so you’ll understand that while Amir Peretz is one despicable little man, but the above statement is right on the mark regarding the state of the Sharon, Bibi, Olmert, Livnat, etc. Likud! MB

Army Radio: Knesset May Be Dissolved as Early as Monday
