Kinder, Gentler Eviction According to MK Avital …

MK Avital on “Disengagement”, Separation “From the Palestinians

For Audio on the Interview, click the link at the bottom of the story.



“Fleisher: Do you believe – and I am using your language – if we disengage from Judea and Samaria that there will be peace with the Arabs, that there will be peace in the Middle East. Do you believe that? Don’t tell me you want to give it a try – but yes or no, do you believe this is going to work?

MK Avital: Yes, I do believe that. I believe it very sincerely. Maybe not peace in the Middle East, but I think it will dramatically reduce terrorism, I think it will dramatically reduce friction or any kind of possibility of having a real conflict. Yes, I do believe that. I think the only way to reach a solution is to separate from the Palestinians. I don’t think we should live in their midst. I think we should live in a Jewish country, with a Jewish majority. Let them live where they live and let us live where we live.”

How is there separation when they travel and work among you? When they use your telephone services, your electricity, your water? When the staple in Israel’s construction trades is cheap, illegal Arab labor? MB
