Bassi’s “Solution”?

Bassi Touts Housing Plan for Evacuees

This short critique, including quotes from the linked article, assuredly doesn’t nick surface of all of the dis-information, mis-information, mal-feasance, non-feasance, graft and corruption of Bassi and his “authority.” MB

Bassi: “Some 450 families are still in hotels awaiting such homes”

What about all of the families in tent cities, Ir Emuna, Rented Apartments, etc.? There are many hundred families more than 450 awaiting viable, temporary, communal solutions. MB

Tovah Lazaroff, JPost writer: “Bassi said many of them were in denial.”

Bassi: “Two thirds of them, until the day they were evacuated, did not think it could happen,” he said. “The denial stopped only on the day of the evacuation.”

Tovah Lazaroff, JPost writer: “Bassi said only now could the evacuees start to make decisions as to where they would live next.”

Bassi: “Our responsibility is to be with them and to help them,” he said.

And what about those families who signed up early, before the Expulsion, “the Evuacation” as Bassi calls it? No one of these families has, as yet, been fully compensated or anything near fully compensated.

The first few such families have received between 50,000 NIS to 1/3 of agreed upon compensation. And these families have been used as propaganda fodder for the Government and Bassi and his “Authority” to show the masses how “caring and compassionate” they are.

As has been previously written (arrow down to “Parsha Re’eh 5765 — Collective Responsibility for Our Brethren & for Eretz Yisrael”), the vast, overwhelming majority of Gush Katif families, including almost all of the families in the temporary Caravillas in NItzan, have gotten nothing. Nothing from the Government, nothing from Bassi’s “authority”, nothing from Unemployment, Income Support or other forms of National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi) support (aside from child support payments). They have no employment possibilities, either due to advanced age (over 30 years old) and/or because of their temporary residency status.

All the while, Jonathan Bassi and his “Mehadrin” continue to wheel-and-deal and rake in Big Bucks on land deals, like the one linked on this blog yesterday where Bassi’s “Mehadrin” Pocketed Profits of NIS 32.5 Million, or i.e. deals where the government buys land from Religious Kibbutzim to build Caravillas for 2 years (now 1 1/2 years by the time the Caravillas are actually completed ), after which the land is handed back free to Bassi. MB


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