Antiquities Authority, Police Play Politics with Islamic Digs on Har HaBayit


Very interesting how the recent Mughrabi Gate construction and maintenance drew the virulent ire of the Arabs, the West and the Israeli left such that the weak-willed Olmert called in the Turks to be “impartial inspectors” and then shortly after, the project was ditched.

But, the unsupervised Arab digging on the Temple Mount, taking place for years, and Arab consolidation of their hold on Judaism’s Holiest Site continues to this day amidst the silent complicity and acquiesence of successive Israeli governments. MB

Photos: Unsupervised Islamic Digging on Temple Mount, by Ezra HaLevi (Israel National News)


The Islamic Wakf is digging large ditches on the Temple Mount without archaeological supervision to protect antiquities at Judaism’s holiest site.

Investigation revealed that the dig had been approved by the police, though not coordinated with any archeological authorities. The ditch is being dug in the direction of the Dome of the Rock, the site of the Holy Temple, according to most opinions.

“The trench depth varies from 50 – 100 cm deep!” reports Zachi Zweig, an archaeologist that has been involved in exposing the Islamic Wakf’s campaign of destroying Jewish artifacts on the mount. “Grey earth was removed from the dig, which indicates that it is archaeologically significant. In addition, signs of ancient architecture was exposed beneath the current platform slabs. It should be mentioned that the bedrock level at this location is very close to the current platform.”

Zweig, who started the Temple Mound Debris-Sifting Project following his publicizing the dumbing of artifacts by the Wakf in the Kidron Valley, says the Antiquities Authority shares responsibility for the destruction. “It is an atrocity for which Antiquities Authority Director Shuka Dorfman, who authorized the dig, is responsible,” Zweig said. “Ancient architectural remains were exposed during this dig in the northern section of the trench. No reasonable archaeologist would justify conducting a mechanical dig in such a sensitive location. The core problem here is that the IAA director is not an archaeologist, but rather a politician.”

Past excavations carried out by the Wakf resulted in tons of priceless archaeological artifacts being mixed with garbage and dumped in the Kidron Valley.

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