Learn to Read Hebrew in just 2 Hours with online video course
These inspirational articles recently appeared online.
Long-Hidden Torah Paraded Through Brooklyn
WEIN ON-LINE: Painful memories
Some things just won't stay buried
Healing a trampled sole.
In surfing the net looking for
pertinent sites related to Sifrei Torah, I stumbled upon this site,
which has apparently been inactive since fall, 2002. It is called "The
SCRIBE" . You can view the
site and it's interesting stories by clicking on the title.
Sefer Torah Recycling Network is proud to
announce affiliations with with Artscroll
and Soncino
publishers. Now you can help to finance our mission simply by
clicking on the links above or on the banners below to purchase
S'forim online from these publishers. Also
featured on this site is a links page
with links ranging from everything you'd ever want to know about
Orthodox Philadelphia, but didn't know who to ask (via link with Sam
Dorfman's Orthodox Philadelphia Directory),
links to Manhigut
Yehudit, IRIS - Information Regarding Israel's Security, Arutz-7,
In Green, Nefesh b'Nefesh, the Shemesh Directory, Lema'an
news site and to -- Chabad’s Program
for Victims of Terror & their Families. Moshe Burt,
The Ultimate Website On Israel's Security
Website authored and designed by R'Mordechai Makor
Sefer Torah Recycling Network is priviledged to be hosted by
, the fast-growing Web Host of Jewish Religious organizations, business
and e-commerce sites.
copyright 2003
Sefer Torah, Sifrei Torah, Sefer Torah Recycling, Sefer Torah repairs, Torah scrolls, Torah Scroll Restoratation, Sefer Torah restoration, Sefer Torah transfer, Israel, Eretz Yisrael, Mokom Torah, Mekomot Torah, chessed, mitzvah, tzedaka, donations, raise funds, Shuls, Israel, Eretz Yisroel, Yeshivas, Yeshivot, Israeli Yeshivot, chizuk, Ahavat Yisroel, Sofer, Sofrim, Sofrus, Synagogues, Synagogues in Israel, Beit Knesset, Israeli Batei Knesset, Israeli cities, Israeli towns, needy locations in Israel, Memorials in Israel Mission: Acquires donations of Sifrei Torah and raises funds to restore them to a Kosher state for transfer to needy locations in Israel.