
Sefer Torah Recycling Network Sponsorship Program

Special Incentive gift for those Sponsors donating $360 or More*
In order to facilitate donations to fulfill the mission of The Sefer Torah Recycling Network; to defray restoration costs of both current and future Sifrei Torah for placement in needy communities throughout Israel, the option of a Sponsorship donation has been established relating categories of a Sefer Torah to level of donation. I hope that you'll join us in this endeavor.
Donors can participate in a Sponsorship Donation program according to the following Schedule;
Item |
$s |
Founding Sponsor |
10,000 or more |
45,000 NIS |
Sefer Torah |
$ 6,000 - $15,000* |
25,000 - 50,000 NIS plus* |
1 Sefer (i.e. Sefer Breish't) |
$ 1,800 - $ 2,700* |
7,200 - 13,500 NIS* |
1 Parsha |
$ 180 |
(10 x Chai) |
720 NIS |
(40 x Chai) |
1 Amud |
$ 72 |
( 3 x Chai) |
288 NIS |
(12 x Chai) |
1 Posuk |
$ 10 |
36 NIS |
(2 x Chai ) |
2 Posukim |
$ 18 |
( Chai) |
72 NIS |
(4 x Chai) |
3 Posukim |
$ 36 |
( 2 x Chai) |
144 NIS |
( 8 x Chai) |
* Depending upon Sefer Torah availability.
If you have a son's Bar Mitzvah coming up, a new-born to commemorate, a wedding or other family Simcha, or wish to honor the memory of a dear friend or loved one, a sponsorship donation of posukim in, amudim of or the Parsha in a Sefer Torah (or one of the 5 Books or an entire Sefer Torah) of the person being honored makes a unique and appropriate Chessed.
Seeking Philanthropic
'Angels' - Become a
Founding Sponsor for a donation $10,000 or more.
Educators and Administrators; the Sponsorship donation program to help restore Sifrei Torah for placement in needy locations in Israel makes an excellent Chinuch and Tzedakah project for your students and their families.
Those sponsoring an Amud or more toward the restoration of a Sefer Torah will receive a handsome certificate commemorating the honored individual and his Parsha, a short history of the Sefer Torah as well as showing where the Sefer Torah will reside.
Please keep this in mind for honoring your child, loved one or dear friend. If interested, please
email your pratim -- name, phone #, information about the person being honored, and which posuk, posukim, amud, Parsha, etc. that you wish to sponsor.
Payment instructions are as follows;
Donors in the US, please make tax deductible donation checks out to “Jerusalem Education Fund”, with a note on both the Memo line of the check and on the envelope “Mark Burt & Sefer Torah Recycling Network” and mail to “Jerusalem Education Fund”, c/o Gross, 20 Rolling Road, Wynnewood, Pa. 19096. Be sure to include your address. Upon request, a tax-deductible receipt for your donation will be mailed to you.
Donors in Canada, please make your tax deductible checks out to "JBRASS" (BN#864426911RR0001) and mail to; "The Sefer Torah Recycling Network", 46 Meadowbrook Road, Apt. 6, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6B 2S6. Please mark on the envelope (and if possible attach a stick'em memo to the check) saying "Mark Burt & Sefer Torah Recycling Network." Upon receipt, a tax-deductible receipt for your donation will be mailed to you.
For the convenience of all donors, you can now donate on-line through the use of your paypal account and/or your credit card. Simply copy the email address; <mosheb@sefer-torah.com>, then click on the
, paste the copied email address into the "Recipient's email" field, enter the amount of your donation, type in your desired note and send. No paypal account, no problem! Just send your donation via your credit card.
In Israel, if you are not paying via paypal, please make donations checks out to me "Mark (Mem, Reish, Kuf) Burt (Beit, Aleph, Reish, Tet)" and email us for payment instructions.
* The Sefer Torah Recycling Network has gained access to a limited number of Sefer Torah
posters. Those donating $360 or more will be sent one of these posters which is
frameable. It makes a beautiful livingroom centerpiece picture. The Sefer Torah pictured has a brown Mantel on either side and the 247 Amudim on a blue background. Below is a partial scan of the poster, and beneath the scan is a picture of Moshe Burt presenting a Sefer Torah poster at Shi-rat HaYam.

While they last, those donating $360 or more will receive a full Sefer Torah poster including all 247
For a history of what we've done to date and what we hope to achieve in the future, please click below:About
Sefer Torah Recycling Network Click
here for PHOTO Album
To subscribe to the Sefer Torah Network Newsletter online, click

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Sefer Torah, Sifrei Torah, Sefer Torah Recycling, Sefer Torah repairs,
Torah scrolls, Torah Scroll Restoratation, Sefer Torah restoration, Sefer Torah transfer, Israel, Eretz Yisrael, Mokom Torah, Mekomot Torah,
chessed, mitzvah, tzedaka, donations, memorial donation ideas, Jewish memorial donation ideas, raise funds, Shuls, Israel, Eretz Yisroel, Yeshivas, Yeshivot,
Israeli Yeshivot, chizuk, Ahavat Yisroel, Sofer, Sofrim, Sofrus, Synagogues, Synagogues in Israel, Beit Knesset, Israeli Batei Knesset, Israeli cities, Israeli towns,
needy locations in Israel, Memorials in Israel Mission: Acquires donations of Sifrei Torah and raises funds to restore them to a Kosher state for transfer to needy locations in Israel.
Shabbos, Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, Fast Days, Rosh Hoshanah, Yim Kippur, Succot,
Succos, Chanuka, Chanukah, Purim, Pesach, Passover, Shevous, Shevuot, Tisha B'Av,
Bar Mitzvah, Rabbi, Chazan, Aron HaKodesh, Bima, Shul, Synagogue, Beit Knesset,
Yeshiva, Kollel, Gabbai, Mantel, Tefillin, Mezzuzah, Ketubah, Ketubot, Philanthropist, philanthropy, philanthropic, Philanthropic "Angel"